About us...
"Food 4 Thought" is published by DIME Publishers, a non-profit, Christian organization founded in 1965. We seek to address important issues written in simple language that is in line with sound biblical principles and the true message of the gospel. If you have any questions, would like to comment or receive some free copies of "Food 4 Thought", send us an email at info@dime.org
General information
"Food 4 Thought" is being published regularly in Argentina, Colombia, Spain, the United States, the Philippines and Nigeria. In addition to these countries, it is distributed in Bolivia, Honduras and Uruguay. We hope to be printing in other countries soon.
Contact us...
If you have any questions, would like to comment or receive some free copies of "Food 4 Thought", send us an email at info@dime.org
Making history...
"Food 4 Thought" was first published around 1949 in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Its founder, Norman Lewis, had the vision of producing a simple "mini magazine" on current issues with a biblical approach. Years later, Pablo Sheetz continue its production and distribution with the collaboration of Alejandro Clifford, and Manuel Revilla. Later, DIME Publishers took over the monthly publication for several years, and has been producing it quarterly since January 2015.